
5 Reasons Your Facility Needs a Visitor Management System

Source: Cogent
Source: Cogent

The world has changed and everyone is concerned about the security more than ever before. The terrorism had changed the concept of security all over the world. Furthermore, the expansion of industries has made it difficult to handle a huge number of employees, so visitor management system in the ultimate solution of the problem. Let us see few examples to know the reasons behind this twist in security trends.

Effects of lack of VMS

An armed person raided a police headquarters in Washington D.C killing three police officers. After inquiry husband of one of police officers got a compensation of $1.7 million. The jury was of the view that there could have been better visitor management system to avoid this situation.

Terrorist attack on Oklahoma Federal Building succeeded just because of lack of proper security measures at the building. The terrorist reportedly did a reconnaissance of the building and because of lack of security measures succeeded undetected.

Lobby must be secured

Lobby of any building is the first place where any intruder can be detected at very first instant. Therefore, security of lobby is of prime importance. The best solution of the problem is a well-designed visitor management system. VMS integrates all security measures and can detect potential attacker at initial stages while he is doing preliminary reconnaissance of his attack. There are few features of the VMS that need to be incorporated at any cost to have a full proof security system. The system must be able to:

  • Accurately detecting the face, pictures, cards and driving license details at entry points or lobby.
  • Authenticate personal details of the visitor.
  • Perform security checks with the help of databases or watch lists.
  • Create badge for the visitor with his name, designation, picture and other essential details.
  • Registering visitors online and updating the databases regularly.
  • Sending a text or call to employee on arrival of his guests or conference attendees.

Digital security measures are better than paper measures

The old paper work has been reduced on induction of VMS. The old system was hectic and lose of data was inevitable. Digitized system has certain pluses over old vintage paper based security checks. Some of drawbacks of paper security measures are:

  • Information on logbooks can be deleted or lost.
  • No check whether the information against an individual is correct or not.
  • Data can be stolen, amended by unauthorized persons without being in knowledge of any security individual.
  • Visitors can avoid entering entry and exit timings or can be missed by security staff.

Visitor management system is already working

You need not to worry about checking the results of the VMS. The system is already functional at many facilities like yours. VMS has gained a great repute and people conscious about security take it seriously and are making ultimate use of this facility. Even some countries have made it a pre-requisite for any new facility to have a visitor management system to tackle security threats.

If we talk about airports, hospitals, parks or railway stations all are having visitor management systems. At such place with thousands of visitors everyday VMS is a must. These automation systems make it easy for the security and management departments of these installations.

Other benefits

Visitor management system indirectly increases productivity of the company. Once the employees and visitors data is managed in a befitting manner than the overall performance of the company increases many folds. The attendees of meetings can be incorporated in this scheme and the organizer can be alerted via text message on cell about arrival of meeting attendees.

A well devised security and visitor management system increase the credibility of the company. This creates a positive image about company in the eyes of visitors and ultimately the business opportunities increase. With a VMS the employees are also at ease, have a neat and clean entry and exit system. They feel secure working in the company or facility and this confidence helps them produce excellent results for the company.

If your visitors are at ease and fell comfortable within company premises, you have won half the deal. Many investors or potential buyers are carried away with the visitor management system of the companies. This affect can be seen while closing the deal. They feel confident that they are dealing with a well-established and well-organized company.

A well devised visitor management system helps you cater for the emergency situations. Once you are aware of the total number of people in the company and their distribution in each department, you can easily manage them in case of an emergency. It is easy to find an individual or guest if he is not traceable from the VMS. It will indicate the department on which that visitor checked in.

VMS is a blessing in disguise, although, its benefits might not be apparently visible but they are numerous and worth investing.

Written by Sam Livingston

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